When optimal dental health is your goal, it’s important to make every possible effort to preserve all of your teeth for as long as possible. Unfortunately, about 178 million Americans are missing one or more teeth according to the American College of Prosthodontists. This is mainly due to poor oral hygiene and not going to the dentist regularly for cleanings. One of the treatments that allows you to avoid tooth extraction is root canal therapy. Explore whether you may need to visit your Rigby, ID, dentist soon for a root canal to heal and restore your smile.
What Is a Root Canal?
A root canal is a restorative treatment that dentist’s use to save diseased teeth. A regular cleaning will clear up bacteria-filled plaque and film from around the outside of the tooth, while a root canal cleans the inside of the tooth. When there is tooth decay, the dentist removes the inflamed tissue, stops the infection, and fills the inner canals with a protective material.
Is a Root Canal Necessary?
A root canal is usually needed when there is intense tooth pain, throbbing, and swelling. When a tooth is painful, it means that the nerves inside of the teeth are being infected by bad bacteria. Another sign that you may need a root canal is if you start to notice strange boils or bumps on the gum line around the tooth. That may be a sign of a dental abscess.
Healing After a Root Canal
After your Rigby, ID, dentist finishes treating your tooth with a root canal, it is imperative that you keep a watchful eye over it. Inform your dentist of any concerns after the appointment and follow instructions closely. In a few weeks, you will return to the dentist to have a permanent crown placed over the affected tooth. The crown will provide much-needed protection.
Go in for a Tooth Consultation
The final word on whether you need a root canal will come from your Rigby, ID, dentist. Call TowneSquare Dental today at (208) 745-8704 to set up a tooth consultation with Dr. Richard George or Dr. Boone Allen.
Do I Need a Root Canal?